Healthy Eating Guidelines for Older Adults

We know the importance of adhering to a healthy and balanced diet; however, knowing and doing are often worlds apart. For aging adults, it is even more essential to avoid the temptations of making unhealthy food choices – and, frequently more difficult. For quite a few seniors, lifestyle decisions are impacted by a variety of factors:

  • Medication side effects that affect taste and/or appetite
  • Losing loved ones, making mealtime a lonely time
  • Lack of interest in cooking for just one
  • As well as others

But there is one prevailing – yet little discussed – explanation for unhealthy eating in older adults: financial restrictions. Older adults on a budget can find it difficult to afford fresh, healthy foods, which typically cost much more than a fast food meal or can of soup. These healthy eating guidelines for older adults from the National Council on Aging may help:

  1. Bear in mind that sticking to a wholesome diet can significantly improve health, with the possibility of preventing doctor visits and hospitalizations – saving older adults money in the end.
  2. See if a senior you love is entitled to SNAP, a government program that covers the cost for fresh foods which can include vegetables and fruit. Visit to determine eligibility. The average benefit to seniors is $100/month.
  3. Look into the senior’s local Meals on Wheels program, which provides nutritious meals to the elderly, together with the added benefit of a friendly volunteer who will deliver the food and improve socialization.
  4. If throwing away fresh food is a concern for a senior who lives alone, frozen vegetables and fruits are an excellent alternative, making it possible for easy preparation of individual-sized portions.

Keep the following in mind to ensure that your older loved ones are making the very best food choices:

  • Review the USDA’s ChooseMyPlate for older adults with specific dietary and exercise best practices for everyone 65 and older.
  • Strive for a plethora of colors, in particular brightly-colored foods such as tomatoes, carrots, peppers, eggplant, pumpkin, etc.
  • Include lean proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods, keeping sodium and sugar to a minimum while ensuring lots of high fiber and nutrients that are specifically essential in aging, most notably vitamin D.

Turn to the aging care experts at Home With You Senior Care for even more tips to help the seniors you love make and keep good nutrition habits. We’re always available to help with buying groceries, meal planning and preparation, and making certain the home is stocked with plenty of healthy choices, as well as sharing mealtimes with seniors to make them more fulfilling. We will even clean up the kitchen afterwards! Reach out to us at 410-756-0959 to learn more about the most trusted senior home care in Towson and the surrounding communities.